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Physical Therapist Assistant: eResources & Videos

Resources for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants

Customizable PT Patient Handouts

Pain Management Associates provides a wide range of PT services in California. This medical practice provides customizable patient handouts for a wide array of physical therapy diagnosis. 

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Physical Therapy Websites

Cornell University: PT Exercises OER

The following videos are designed to demonstrate exercises prescribed by Cornell Health physical therapist. This is an Open Educational Resource (OER) provided by Cornell University. 

Closed captioning: Real-time text transcription is available for these videos. Once you start a video, click on the "interactive transcript" button just below the video.

  1. Ankle Strengthening Exercises

  2. Lower Extremity Range of Motion Exercises

  3. Lower Extremity Strengthening Exercises

  4. Neural Glide Exercises

  5. Scapular Strengthening Exercises

  6. Shoulder Range of Motion videos

  7. Shoulder Strengthening videos

  8. Shoulder Strengthening with Bands videos

  9. Spine Exercise videos