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Physical Therapist Assistant: Citing Sources

Resources for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants

The Big Three

There are three major styles of writing and citing sources at the college and professional levels. The Modern Language Association (MLA) style is the most popular and common style and it is predominately used in the liberal arts and humanities. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is most often used for scientific, medical, or engineering writing. The third and final member of the big three is the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). The CMS deals with aspects of editorial practice, from American English grammar and usage to document preparation. It is very similar to the Turabian style.

All three manuals are available in the PIT Library.


Plagiarism is using another's words or ideas without giving them credit.

To avoid plagiarism, acknowledge where you found:

  • someone's idea, opinion, or theory;
  • any fact or statistic that is not common knowledge;
  • quotation of another's spoken or written words;
  • paraphrase of another's spoken or written words.

When in doubt, cite the source of the material.  See either Librarian for more information.

Additional Info

Citation Generators

Please be aware that automatically generated citations may not provide accurate results.

If you choose to use a citation generator, then take the time to make the necessary corrections using this APA guide.

Remember: It is your responsibility to double-check the results!

Citation Management

APA Citation Resources