AMSER (Applied Math and Science Education Repository)
Portal of educational resources and services built specifically for use by those in community and technical Colleges.
California Open Online Library for Education (Cool4Ed)
Library of free open source textbooks and other materials from the State of California Higher Educations Systems.
Johns Hopkins School of Publich Health Open Course Ware (JHSPH OCW) 110 courses in Health and Medical areas are included in the repository. Full course packages are provided including syllabus, readings and assignments. Most courses are paired with completely free or highly affordable textbooks ($10-$30).
Free, peer reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials maintained by the California State University System.
MIT OpenCourseWare
A web-based publication of materials from thousands of MIT courses.
OER Commons
Funded by ISKME, OER Commons is a library of OER materials.
Open Course Library
Shareable course materials, including syllabi, course activities, readings, and assessments.
Open Courseware Consortium
Free and open collection of learning materials presented in the form of courses.
Open Education Consortium
Open Education Consortium is NOT a content provider. Instead, they search available open educational materials and provide the links.
Open Learning Initiative
The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) is a grant-funded group at Carnegie Mellon University, offering innovative online courses to anyone who wants to learn or teach.
Open Michigan
A hub that helps people find, use, and create openly licensed content and provides a space to share their educational content.
Open Yale
Each course includes a full set of video lectures accompanied by other course materials such as syllabi, suggested readings, and problem sets.
Openstax CNX (formerly Connexions)
Textbooks, articles, supplements, and other learning resources that can be read online or downloaded for free.
PSU College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Open Courseware
The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences provides open course materials in topics including Energy and Mineral Engineering, Geography, Geoscience, and Materials Science. Each full course package includes a syllabus, readings, and assignments.
Saylor Academy
Free online, self-paced courses. Courses are displayed and organized based on the scope and level
Skills Commons
A repository of all deliverables from the US Department of Labor (DOL)’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant Program. You can browse the content by industry, grant project, material type, or credential type.
The OrangeGrove
Florida’s digital repository for instructional resources.